Locutor TV: American Spanish female voice over. American Spanish male voice over

American voices. Voices American. Voice over agency.  American voice over agency. American voice over rates. American voices for dubbing.  American female voices. American male voices . Voice-over agency in American Spanish.  American Spanish  voice over. American voice artist. American young voices. American voices for dubbed and animation project. American voices for film and movies. American voices for videos. American voices for e-learning courses. American female voice over. American male voice over

Latin American dubbing movies

Latin American dubbing movies. Latin American dubbing films. The best American Spanish voices for dubbing movies and films

Latin American dubbing movie. Latin American dubbing studio.

Latin American cartoon dubbing

Latin American cartoon dubbing.  Latin American voice overs for dubbing cartoons and video games. Latin American cartoon dubbed 

Latin American cartoon dubbing voice overs.  Latin America cartoon dubbed.

Latin American dubbing agency

Latin American dubbing agency.  Latin American video dubbing. Latin American dubbing voices.  Latin American dubbing quotes

Latin American voice over team. Dubbing teleshopping 

Spanish American female voice overs

American female voices. American female voice overs. American female voice over agency. American female voice talent for videos and e-learning courses.

Latin American female voice over demos

Latin American male voice over demos

Latin American child voice over demos

American female voice overs


American male voice overs

American  children voice overs


American male voice overs

American voices. American male voice overs. American voice over for videos and e-learning courses. American male voice over talent for corporate videos. American voice over rates.



American male voice over. Recording May Feelings spot

Locutor TV: American voice over agency

Locutor TV is an associated voice over company with + 6000 voice over talents in more 90 different languages. American voice over company based in Spain. Voice over company in American. American voice talent for narration videos and documentaries. American voices for dubbing and documentaries. American voices company. American voice over agency. American voice over services. American voice over recording studio.



American Spanish female voice over

Locutor TV: voice over agency

Demos:  recording studios in Spanish, America, France, England, Italy and Portugal


We work for large companies in all over the world. Let´s work together!


Voice over agency
Recording studio
Music production
Documentary voices
Business IVR recordings
International voices

Request a Quote!/Solicitud de presupuesto

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Locutor TV: Voices

Avenida de las Águilas, 90
28044 Madrid (Spain)

+ 34 666 93 18 29



American voice over agency

American dubbing studio. American voices form North America. English dubbing. English American dubbing studio. French dubbing. French dubbing studio. Italian dubbing. Russian dubbing studio. Portuguese dubbing. Portuguese dubbing studio


American voice over services

American voice overs for dubbing videos.Multimedia localization, such as international voice-over dubbing studio, video dubbing, voice over recordings for business. American voices. Dubbing samples in English, dubbing samples in French,