E-learning voice over services
E-learning voice over services. E-learning voice over projects
E-learning voices
E-learning voices in Spanish. E-learning voices in English, Portuguese, Italian, Russian…
Voice over for e-learning
Voice over for e-learning courses and educational videos.
E-learning voice over agency
The best e-learning voice over agency in 90 languages.
E-learning voice over rates
E-learning voice over rates. Elearning voice over quotes
E-learning studio
The best quality for e-learning recordings. E-learning voice over studio.

Spanish e-learning voice overs
Spanish e-learning voice overs. Recording in Spanish language: educational videos and e-learning projects. E-learning voice over rates in Spanish . Spanish voices
Spanish e-learning course. Spanish voice overs: Mar, David and Jesus

French voices for e-learning
French e-learning voice overs. Recording in French language: educational videos and e-learning projects. E-learning voice over rates in French. French voices
French e-learning course. Voice over: Jean Mor. Recording project: “Balearia”

E-learning voice overs: English
English e-learning voice overs. Recording in English language: educational videos and e-learning projects. English e-learning voice over rates . English voices
English voice over Faye. Educational-Medical video “Ingelvac”
E-learning voice over samples
Voice over recorded by Spanish voices, French voices and English voice overs

E-learning voice over samples

E-learning voice over samples

E-learning voice over samples
E-learning female voice overs
E-learning female voice overs for recording educational videos and e-learning courses. Voices for e-learning courses and educational videos
E-learning Course Spanish Female Voice Over
E-learning Course Spanish Female Voice Over
E-learning Course Spanish Female Voice Over
E-learning Course Mexican Spanish Female Voice Over
E-learning Course Portuguese Female Voice Over
E-learning Course German Female Voice Over
E-learning course voice over services
Voice talents for educational videos. Voice talent for e-learning courses. Voice over recording company for e-learning courses. Voice over talents for e-learning courses. Voice overs for training videos. E-learning voice over services
E-learning Course Spanish Male Voice Over
E-learning Course Spanish Male Voice Over
E-learning Course Spanish Male Voice Over
E-learning Course English Male Voice Over
E-learning Course French Male Voice Over
E-learning Course American English Male Voice Over
E-learning voice over services
We have recorded about 2000 e-learning course with about 1300 voice overs. We can record in 90 laguages/10000 voice overs

Asian voice overs

African voice overs

Voice characters

Spanish voice overs

European voice overs

American voice overs
This Brands Trust In Our Servicies!
We work for large companies in all over the world. Let´s work together!

Locutor TV: Dubbing voices
Avenida de las Águilas, 90
28044 Madrid (Spain)
+ 34 666 93 18 29