Locutor Tv: voice over rate. Voice over rates. Dubbing quotes

Voice over rates. Voice over pricing. Voice over prices. Voice over quotes. Dubbing quotes. Dubbing cost. Dubbing rate per minute.

The best voices for the affordable voice over pricing. Voice rates.  Voice over rate per minute.  Best voice over rates and the best dubbing quotes. Voice over rate. Voice over quotes. Voice over service rates. Voice over prices. Voice over agency rates. Voice over rates non-broadcast. Professional voice over rate. Professional voice over cost. Voice over quotation. Voice over rates per minute. Voice over rates per words. Voice over rates per hour. Voice over prices per minute. Voice over prices per word. English voice over fees. Spanish voice over fees. French voice over fees. Voice over prices. Voice over prices per minute.  Voice over prices per word. Voice over rates per minute. Voice over rates per hour. Voice over rates per word. Broadcast voice over price. Non-broadcast voice over price. Voice over talent prices. Dubbing prices. Dubbing cost.  Voice over short prices, quotation.  Dubbing short rates, Dubbing short quotation for movies, film and video recordings. English voice over rates. French voice over rates. Spanish voice over rates. Portuguese voice over rates: we are about 6000 voice overs and 20 dubbing studios in the world. Dubbing quotes, the best quality and the best affordable dubbing quotation.

Voice over rates

Voice over rates. Voice over rates for e-learning. Voice over documentary rates

Dubbing quotes

Dubbing quotes. Dubbing quotes for dubbing movies and dubbing films


Studio recording rates

Studio recording rates. Studio recording rates for voice over projects.


Voice over prices

Voice over prices. Voice over prices for e-learning courses. Voice over prices for videos


Dubbing rates

Dubbing rates. Voice dubbing rates per minute. Dubbing quotation

Voice over rates guide

Voice over rates guide: video recording,  films, documentaries, e-learning.

Voice over prices

Voice over rates. Dubbing quotes

Voice dubbing quotation. Voice dubbing services and voice dubbing quotes

Voice over rates

E-learning voice over rates

E-learning voice over demos. E-leaning voice over rates. E-learning voice over prices.

Dubbing studio quote

Dubbing studio quotation

Dubbing studio quotes.  Recording dubbing studio prices. Dubbing and voice over rates.

E-learninng voice over rates.Audioguides-IVR

Audioguide – 2000 words : 450 € .

E-learning  courses- 2000 words 600 €.

IVR message (budget per one) : 150 € .

Audiobook : 290 €/hour.

Podcasts-2000 words: 400 €.

Educational videos: 2000 words: 450 €.

Voice over rates: radio broadcast

Radio Commercial : National. 150 €.
Radio Commercial : Regional. 100 €
Radio Commercial : Local  minimum fee
Public Service Announcement 200 €
Demo voice 90 €

Song with one voice 600 €
Close for an ad 75 €
Retake. Voice over 90 €

Voice over rates: Corporate videos non-broadcast

Non-Broadcast voice over rate with a voice off (1-10 min.) 450 €- Dub voice : public documentary: 600 €

Character without lip sync 360 €
Voice corporate video: 375 €

Narrator voice for video 465 €

Characters for documentaries:120 €

Discount quotes: e-learning voice over rates. Audio guide voice over rates. Video voice over rates. 


  • E-learning courses voice over rates- Discount 20% 20%
  • IVR voice over rates- Discount 25% 25%
  • Educational videos voice over rates- Discount 35% 35%
  • Corporate videos voice over rates- Discount 30% 30%
  • Audioguide voice over rates- Discount 30% 30%
  • Audio book voice over rates- Discount 10% 10%
  • Television ads voice over rates- Discount 40% 40%
  • Casting voice over rates- Discount 10% 10%
  • Podcast voice over rates- Discount 15% 15%
  • Documentary voice over rates- Discount 20% 20%
  • Dubbing films voice over rates- Discount 20% 20%
  • Dubbing cartoons voice over rates- Discount 25% 25%


Satisfied Clients


Professional Guarantee


Completed Projects

Voice over rates

Voice over rates about 230 to450 EUR. Voice over rates per minute. Voice over quotes. Voice talent rates. Voices rates. Voices quotes. Voice over prices for corporate videos recording

YouTube player

Spanish dubbing services.  Spanish dubbing studio. Dubbing film.



Dubbing quotes

Dubbing quotes about 22-31-55-95 €. per minute. Voice over costs. Voice over prices. Voice over talents fees. Voice acting rates. Voice over rate non broadcast. Voiceover rates non union. 

YouTube player

Vlad, Russian voice over.  Recording dubbing for Peugeot-Roland Garros



Dubbing studio rates

Commercial recording voice over rate :
60-90-250-550 or 790  EUR. Freelance voice over rates. People also ask: What is the voice over rates for dubbing projects?, What are the quotes ?

YouTube player

English British dubbing studio. Recording video “Rapa Nui”. English voice “Tony”



IVR voice over rates

IVR voice over rate about 140-190-250-640 €. Discount about 10-30 %. Voice acting agency costs : male voice over rate. Female voice over rate and quote. Voice acting rates. Spanish/ French/English recordings fees.

Spanish voice over rates

IVR voice recording rates.  Examples voice messages for business



Documentary voice over rates

Documentary voice over rates. Voices and narration. Documentary voice cost: 7-9-15-25 €. Voice professional recording for television and documentary. Voice over cost for documentary. Voice talent recording prices.

Dubbing quotes

Portuguese dubbing. Portuguese dubbing voices for audio guide.



E-learning voice over rates

E-learning voice over demos rates. E-learning recordings about 0,05-0.09- 0.10, 0,21 EUR per word. E-learning voice over rates per minute. E-learning voices quotes. E-learning voice over rates per hour. Elearning voice over per word

Spanish dubbing film quotes

E-learning dubbing studios. Recoding studios for e-learning projects



Voice over company

Voice over company rates.  Dubbing voice over cost. Voice over services rates. Locutor TV is an associated voice over company with + 6000 voice over talents in more 90 different languages. Spanish voice overs company based in Spain. French voices rates. English British voice over rates. Brazilian voices rates. Voices rates in Italian, Portuguese and French language. Voices rates in Spanish language.  Voice over company rates in more 90 languages.   Quality sound and the best recording studio.

Dubbing quotes

We can record lip-sync in more 90 languages. Dubbing quotation in  English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese voices. 

Documentary voice over cost

Documentary voice over rates.  Voice over artist rates.  Voices for documentaries, elearning, IVR messages, dubbing and multimedia.

This Brands Trust In Our Servicies!

We work for large companies in all over the world. Let´s work together!




Locutor TV:  Voice overs

Avenida de las Águilas, 90
28044 Madrid (Spain)

+ 34 666 93 18 29


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