Argentinian Spanish voice overs.  Argentina recording and dubbing

Escena Digital Producciones

Spanish Spanish Argentinian voiceovers  for the recording and dubbing of videos and Dvd: companies, documentary courses of formation( e-learning courses).  Locution and dubbing of videogames in Spanish of Argentina. Voice overs specialized in the locution of radio wedges, spot of television and dubbing of series. Economic prices and recordings of quality. Budgets, quote and very economic prices in locution of doubled audio-visual projects in Spanish ofArgentina by Argentinian voiceovers.  Dubbing of series of television, videogames in neutral Spanish and documentary, dvds and works multimedia by Argentina  speakers of dubbing (Argentinian speakers). Cartoon and videogames Spanish-Argentina voiceovers and dubbers. Voiceovers. Multilingual.

Voix off espagnol argentins pour l'enregistrement et le doublage de vidéos et DVD: les entreprises, les cours documentaires de formation (e-learning). Locution et le doublage des jeux vidéo en espagnol de l'Argentine. Voix off spécialisés dans la locution de coins de la radio, de la télévision et des spots de doublage de la série. Les prix économiques et des enregistrements de qualité. Les budgets, devis et des prix très économiques locution doublé projets audio-visuels dans ofArgentina Espagnol en voix off argentins. Le doublage de séries de télévision, des jeux vidéo en espagnol neutre et documentaire, DVD et œuvres multimédia en Argentine locuteurs de doublage (haut-parleurs argentins). Dessins animés et jeux vidéo Espagnol-Argentine voix-off et doubleurs. Voix-off. multilingue


Argentinian voice overs.  Argentinian Male voiceovers.


    Daniel,  Argentinian voiceover

    Néstor, Argentinian voiceover      
    Pablo Javier, Argentinian voiceover      
      Pablo M, Argentinian voice over        
      Fabián, Argentinian voiceover artist        
      Mariano, Argentinian voice over.        
      Diego C, Argentinian voiceover.        
      Sebastian T, Argentinian male voice over.        



  Get your  quote now  


Argentinian  voice overs.  Spanish- Argentinian female voiceovers.


    Carmen, Argentinian voiceover

    Florencia, Argentinian voiceover      
    Julieta P, Argentinian voiceover      
      Karina, Argentinian voiceover        
      Laura S., Argentinian voiceover        
      Natalia, Argentinian voiceover        
      Verónica, Argentinian voiceover        
      Andina, Argentinian  kind voiceover        
      Valeria, Argentinian voice over artist.        




  Get your  quote now  



Escena Digital Producciones

Productions for radio, television and advertising producers

Dirección General: Jesús Ángel Morato. Teléfono : + 34 666 93 18 29     Administración: Luisa Prado. Teléfono : + 34 670 90 95 51 .  Recordings studios :  Madrid, Barcelona, Alicante, Málaga, Zamora, Lugo, , Marbella, Sevilla, Cádiz, Ciudad Real, Segovia, Girona, Extremadura, Gijón  (Spain) and  Londres (Inglaterra) 


Spanish voice over productions Spanish voice over narration Spanish voice over dubbing studios

Spanish voice over actor

Spanish voice overs elearning courses Spanish voiceovers demos Cartoon voice actors



Jingles Spanish Voice overs Index

Budget of voiceovers

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Downloads Recordings free Scripts Radio Marketing tv  Dubbing elearning courses Dubbing documentary
Dubbing videos and DVd Clients Classification Spanish voiceovers Spanish voice overs. Audiobooks  Spanish voice overs Dubbing Guarantee




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