Japanese voice overs

Escena Digital Producciones

Japanese Voice Over talent . Voice over productions: Female and Male Japanese  Voice overs talents. The best voice overs. We are + 3000 Voice Overs ( Spanish voiceover, Japanese Dubbing production. COMMERCIAL : Radio, films, animation, comercials, Imaging, trailers, films .. Cd room and e-learning programs.  Japanese  voices.


Japanese male voiceovers.


  Otaka,  Japanese male voice over 

  Okuda, Japanese male voice over       
  Hyo,  Japanese male voice over       
  Wu, Japanese voiceover. Documentary: Cautin   Mahoe,  Japanese male voice over         
      Matsushima,  Japanese male voice over         
      Ochiya,  Japanese male voice over 

      Takayiwa,   Male Japanese voice over      
      Toshihiko,   Male Japanese voice over      
      Peter, Japanese male voice over         
      Wu, Japanese male voice over         
      Masashi, Japanese male voiceover.        


Japanese Female   voiceovers.


    Kumi, Japanese female voice over 

    Hiroco,  Japanese female voice over       
      Yoshi, Japanese fe male voice over         


Escena Digital Producciones

Producciones para radio, televisión y productoras publicitarias         

Dirección General: Jesús Ángel Morato. Teléfono : + 34 666 93 18 29     Administración: Luisa Prado. Teléfono : + 34 670 90 95 51 .  Estudios  de grabación en Madrid, Barcelona, Alicante, Málaga, Zamora, Lugo, , Marbella, Sevilla, Cádiz, Ciudad Real, Segovia, Girona, Gijón  (España) y  Londres (Inglaterra) 


Jingles Spanish Voiceovers Index

 Recordings Budgets

Programs  radio Spots


Films and Music- Free.   African voice overs;  New Zealand voice over; Greek voice over; Mexican voice overs; Arabic voice over; Japanese voice over ; Chinese voice over; Turkisch voice over; Brazilian voice over; ; Poland, Romania, Hungary voice over; Czech voice over; Dutch voice over, English voice overs; French voice overs, German voice overs Italian voice overs, Portuguese voice overs, Polish voice over; Korean voice overs; English North American voice overs. Spanish voice overs.  https://www.locutortv.es/spanish_dubbing_services.htm   https://www.locutortv.com/voice-over-spanish-voice-over-services-spanish-voice-over-actor-spanish-voices/ 
