Spanish voice over for dubbing teleshopping and commercial videos

Escena Digital Producciones

Broadcasters and professional voice talent for recording and dubbing of teleshopping. Presentation of products recorded in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, Catalan, Galician, Basque and English. Synchronized dubbing television shopping and commercial videos for companies. Professional Voiceovers teleshopping in over sixty languages​​.

Escena Digital Locutores has more than 3000 dubbing actors in more than 60 languages to keep you a proffesional recording service. If you are looking for advertising to your business or company, with the better quality, Escena Digital is the perfect chance, backed for thousand and thousand international and national recordings. We reply more than 2 millions monthly requests; this make us to stay ar first european and international place in recording and dubbing.You could trust in us, we are liders in Spain on Internet recordings.

Dubbing Teleshopping



Escena Digital Producciones

Producciones para radio, televisión y productoras publicitarias         

Dirección General: Jesús Ángel Morato. Teléfono : + 34 666 93 18 29     Administración: Luisa Prado. Teléfono : + 34 670 90 95 51 .  Estudios  de grabación en Madrid, Barcelona, Alicante, Málaga, Zamora, Lugo, , Marbella, Sevilla, Cádiz, Ciudad Real, Segovia, Girona, Gijón  (España) y  Londres (Inglaterra) 


Jingles Voiceovers of the world Index Spanish voiceovers

Budget and rates

Radio Programs Catalonian voice overs

New Zealand voice over; Greek voice over; Mexican voice overs; Arabic voice over; Japanese voice over ; Chinese voice over; Turkisch voice over; Brazilian voice over; Polish voice over;  Romania, Hungary voice over; Czech voice over; Dutch voice over, English voice overs; French voice overs, German voice overs Italian voice overs, Portuguese voice overs, Polish voice over; Korean voice overs; English North American voice overs. Spanish voice overs.   Russian voice over ;  French voice over ; Chinese voice over  and cheap  Chinese speakerPortuguese voice over/ ; Castilian voice over Brazilians voice over;  English Voice over German voice over/  Italian voice over. Dutch voice over; Korean voice over; Belgian voice overs. Arabic voice overs Bulgarian voiceovers talent. Hungarian voiceovers talent, _Foreigner voiceovers.  Locutores Chineses Portugal. Danish voiceovers. Locutores daneses. Locutores escandinavos. Scandinavian voiceovers talent.  Deutsche Sprecher. Thailand voiceovers. Locutores nativos checos.  Czech voiceovers talent. .  Colombian  voiceovers artistVoiceovers of the world.  French Canadian voice overs. Serbian and Croatian voiceovers. Persian voiceover.  Tai voiceovers. Ucrainian voice overs. Latin American Spanish voiceovers Slovak voiceovers. Argentinian voiceovers, Spanisch Sprecher. Catalonian voiceovers. Galician voiceovers.  Slovenian voiceovers. Venezuelan voiceovers.  Belgian voiceovers. Chilean voiceovers. Basque voiceovers. Lithuanian voiceoversEstonian voiceovers. Kazakh voiceover talent